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Toma Vitamina (It takes vitamins)

Artist: A. Abad

Album: Corazon Latino

Song Length: 4:45

George's Thoughts: This song by the group La Fiesta was a top 10 radio charts hit in Spain. Strong Samba beat with fun vocals and good musical range. Emotion and energy put into the vocals is quite nice. My only concern with this song, even though it's a strict-tempo version of the original, is that after the chorus and bridge the verses manage to get out of whack with the 8-beat count, so when you get there your routine has to be adjusted to fit with the verse transitions. This makes it awkward for dancing. So while it makes a terrific party song, I wouldn't use it for competition, teaching or other serious dance situations. Vocals in Spanish.

Song Lyrics:

Lyrics for Toma Vitamina have not been released by the music publisher.